Sunday, 6 May 2012

did i get paid yet??

no i haven't got a cent from those ptr sites even though they promised to pay,

i am now on websites where i am paying them,  some weekly by subscription others a one time deal, i am going to give those sites some time to see what happens

as for me i am done with clicking on ads for hours, days weeks, and yes even months,  they aren't going to pay you anyway so why waste your time, i am talking about the pay to click and pay to read sites,so my advice to you and to myself is not to do it anymore, they only want your money but are damned if they give you a dime,

as i had said i upgraded /paid money to them so that there would be no excuse not to pay , not only do they not pay but they wont even answer my emails to them.

how people can do this sort of thing is beyond me as i am nothing like that, i am just an honest guy looking for a way to make money on the net

i hope that those sites that rip of the public and in the case of the internet is or could be into the millions, i hope they get what they deserve,it is blatant disregard for humanity and they all should be behind bars where they belong.

having said that i am not giving up, part of the problem is relying on other people or sites to make money with and the only ones who make money is the admin of those sites, once their pockets are full of cash they are gone .

this of course i am sure is not true of each and every site and i am still researching ,looking ,spending money to see if there is indeed one. if only one paid like they promised it would be nice

so we shall see what happens in the coming months

good luck to all, i hope you are making some progress, i hope i helped a little

when i first started this venture i was so optimistic, but not so much anymore, yes i am still somewhat, but i can spot a scammy site quicker now lol.

again i am not giving up, i will find some way for us to make money ,just going to take longer than i originally hoped or thought

thanks also for taking the time to read my blog, i really do appreciate it

take care everyone will update soon

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