Sunday, 11 March 2012

i would like to thank all of the people around the globe for taking the time to read my blog and i sincerely hope that at some point i can help everyone make money online and i also hope a lot of it

i have found some great sites ,but some of these cost a little money, i am waiting until my transfer of money to paypal is complete then i will buy them , these sites arent much money and i will tell you more about it once i have signed up with them, then i will go through step by step for each one, and after you can decide if it is for you .

these sites that i found very interesting  to me i think it will work, i have in the past while researched so many sites most of them not worth looking at , i hope to save you the time by just posting good sites, it is my aim to make all of us money and i know i will succeed in this i will never give up .

this site

is making money for me about a dollar per day , not much but you can make more with it if you sign up and then put it on your facebook page, or any of a number of sites to get the word out there, again this site is absolutely free, and pay out once  you reached $ 25.00

check it out sign up and make a few bucks, in the meantime i am still researching many many sites , it is a lot of work but i think i have found some very good ones , and will let you know exactly what they are all about

the site richgo mentioned in the first pages of my blog is supposed to pay me $ 10,000.00 on or about the 14th of this month , i will let you know if they paid me or not, no sense in wasting time there if they dont pay.

so please keep checking my blog , i will have some very good sites  very shortly where you  can make money , i am going to let you know everything i do so if i make a lot of money you can too, and by reading the blog you can avoid wasting your time at sites that are scammers. i been to a few of those but i had to do that to see if they were scams,

so click the above link at least you'll make a little or a lot depending on what you do with it , it is all explained to you once you clicked the above link

my next entry which should be approx march 15th will be very detailed, and longer, if anything of interest comes up before that i will let you know

i am doing all of this to help people , why  you ask? well to answer your question , i have always helped people all my life, in one way or another, and with the economy the way it is and my desire to make money online , i know that you too want the same as i do, that somehow this has become my passion,

again thankyou for reading this, see you soon

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