Friday, 30 March 2012


i  am going to give you two links one is for a money processor to

the other is for magic dolla"><img

why ?? well i will tell you, i do believe that this is a money making site,i believe it so much that i will refund the $2 dollars it costs to the first 50 people who sign up. now you do need the alertpay account so click on that link as well.

we all want to make money , it;s why we are here, so basically i am giving you a nudge in the right direction , should i be wrong you still won;t be out a penny as i will refund your money as soon as you pay it

check out the"><img watch all 3 videos , take the time to read it so you understand exactly how it works and how much you can make with it

some times you need to take action, i think this is one of those times.

i can;t do any better than that,

good luck make a lot and god bless

new site

i just joined this site  , check it out
Subject: Welcome To Your Future!!

Imagine Your Future Debt Free, Mortgage Free, Rent Free.

Imagine A Future Where All Your Dreams Were Possible

A Future Where You Were Limited Only By Your Hearts Desires

Imagine What Your Future Would Be Like If Every $2.00 You Spent Today Gave You Back ONE THOUSAND!

Imagine If That Future Could Start Today?


Get in today and get situated and as they say

"You Can Thank Me Later"

harry  ameron
Proud Member Of Genius 1000

is it a scam??

it was disappointing this morning , i thought for sure that

i thought it was straight forward honest, and i am sorry i even thought that , the reason is,  i am up to $104.00 and decided i would request the soon as i did  they said i had to complete a survey before my download for the invoice numbers to be paid would be given

i thought sure i have no problem with doing the survey,

i clicked on the download pay form,    and i had to choose from one of the 5 surveys in order to get the payout form

they asked me to enter my phone number on the survey which i did, then they wanted me to pay them $36.00 per month

none of this was mentioned upon signing up with the avail site

so needless to say i feel scammed ,and we all know i will never get the $104.00 that is owed to me.

why this site couldn't be upfront with that, is so wrong, to make people believe that finally a site that does pay, only to find out that it is me and you that pays

the site made it sound so good,


i ask you to forgive me for even putting this site on my blog, hell i was even going to advertise it on another site and pay a hundred bucks to do it , but not anymore

i tried to reach them through the contact us link for their site but cant get through

very disappointing not only for me but i am sure all of you

have a nice day

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

another great site

i just joined this site a few minutes ago , it is only a buck, 1 dollar to join, less then a cup of coffee

check it out , give it a try, after all it is only 1 dollar, i do believe you will make money with it , like i said i just paid a dollar to join it and now i present it to you

we all are trying to make money online, so give this a shot or not up to you

here is the link

i know we are trying to make money online for free, but sometimes you have to spend a little to get a lot

hope you make a ton of money

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

opening an online account

online account

ok so you earned some money on one or more of the sites ,now how to get it in your bank account and ultimately in your wallet or purse

here are some of the most trusted online banks in the world

# 1.

# 2

take  your time check them all out and choose which one is best for you, i have all these accounts ,the reason is that not all the sites take just one,ther are a few more online banks better known as payment processors, you;ll need one or more of them depending on which one is used by the sites.

you get the idea

i will be back here in the next few days i have a new site i will be trying out , i am all excited sounds too good to be true, give me a week and i will tell you all about it , i like to make sure people pay before i put then on here for you to see

good luck every one

Thursday, 22 March 2012



in life you dont have many true friends, friends yes but not true friends , maybe i am wrong, but if you go through life and just end up with having one true friend your doing good.

i just wanted to take the time to wish my very dear  friend Summer in the bahamas the happiest of birthdays today, i hope that this special day was blessed and that you have many more.

god bless you and thankyou for being my friend.


check this out

i came across  this site and have spent a few hours checking it out . i think that you could make money with this site .it will require a little effort on your part .

in any case check it out, good luck

<a href="">
<img src="" alt="banner"></a>

Sunday, 18 March 2012

to pay or not to pay

well i requested the payout from the total money owed me is as of today $90,200.00, they told me it would cost me $ 15,000.00 of that to get the monies owed, since i ugraded and am a diamond member , according to them i should have my money
within 72 hours . i shall keep you posted

the site, i think is a good site, that is why i mention it now and then , i would suggest sign up and then post it on your facebook page or any other social pages you may have and see what happens , you have nothing to lose and it is all free, give it a shot, i am.i think you;ll be pleasantly surpised,

i hope to have some great news shortly, i am joining  a site but i had to open up another online account other than paypal as soon as it is verified i will sign with that site and will let you know if i make any money with it , if i do, so can you. until then it isn't worth mentioning but keep checking back.the site is only a buck and they say make a lot of money so what the hell, i will give it a try, will let you know

i am doing other things as well online , but i am waiting to see if it makes money if it does i will tell you exactly what it is , and how you too can make money with it ,
i will explain it in detail as i will any site that makes me and can make you money,

it takes time to see what a site does , if it pays etc. so bear with me , good news is coming soon , i hope

i am always online researching here , for hours every day and night , just to let you know,  but i am repeating myself it takes time to form an opinion .

thankyou again for taking the time to read my blog , much appreciated

Saturday, 17 March 2012

re: upgrade

i just got home and went to the ptr site to see if they acknowleged my payment of $ 69.00 to upgrade to
diamond member , well lo and beholf yes i am now upgraded to diamond member which means i can request my money and they should pay me, the amount owed as of right now is $85,000.00. i am curious to see what happens when i request payout . well i requested pay out it said it would cost me
$ 15,000.00 which is ok as they owe me $ 86,200.00 so i should be getting $ 71,200.00, so we;ll see what happens with this , as i said i paid them $ 69.00 to upgrade to a diamong membership and i can now request the money owed. the site is
i will keep you posted . there is no excuse now for not paying me.but the question remains, will they ??

Friday, 16 March 2012

update-re did i get paid lol

if you have read my blog from the very first page you would know that i have spent hours and hours on ptr sites( paid to click) i was working with at least 40 of them, then later i checked to see what others have said about them , well most of the websites i was on were scammers, they never paid, some people even paid them money to upgrade, still they never paid. it seems to me that the majority of people on the net are trying to scam you in some form, it;s disheartning  to think that people would do that to other people just for a buck,so be very care ful of paid to click companies , not saying all of them but a lot of them, my advise to you is don;t pay any money to upgrade, which is exactly what they want, but instead see if they will pay you as a free member.

ok, having said that i mentioned in the first part of my blog that richgo a paid to read email or ads website was going to pay me $ 10,000.00, they told me as a free member although the payout was 10 thousand it would cost me 10thousand to be paid, so when i reached over 20 thousand dollars i requested a payout of 10 thousand, i emailed them and they replied you will have your money in 30 days. well the 30 days have come and gone, no big surprise there. i emailed them yesterday and they did email me back , saying in essence we only have so much money and we are paying our premium members first, so upgrade .. will i get my $ 10,000.00 your guess is as good as mine , i suppose they need the money more than i do

so for you ptr companies?websites. all i can say is shame on you, shame on you for giving the people who are trying to find a way to make money online and some people are desperate, hoping and praying , and then you come along ,play with their heads and scam them.and when they upgrade some at $199.00 some less it varies, you still  dont pay them , this is fraud and if i remember correctly it is illegal. i hope that the long arm of the law takes care of you , people like you shouldnt be on the net , you should be in jail

before you go to anyone of these sites google them and add scam that should lead you to the page that will let you know scam or not

some ptr sites pay .001 or less to read an email, and on the other side of the scale some say they pay @2000.00 to read an email or check a website either or. 3 of those sites owe me over a million dolllars each , will i ever see it , naah, i don't believe so. i did upgrade with two of these sites one i paid  ten dolllars to become a gold member ,they said they will pay me once i reach 400.000.00 i am well over 300.000.00 so we;ll see , they did acknowledge that they received my money and that i am indeed upgraded, as a gold member i have to wait 15 days, so i am playing with that one just to see, another ptr company i upgraded it cost me 69 dollars , i did both of these about 3 days ago the second one hasn;t acknowledged that i sent them the money through paypal no less, i;ll give them a few more days to see what happens there, if nothing happens i;ll try and get my money back , good luck to me you say?? lol once they upgrade me i can request a payout of $ 50,000.00. they owe me well over that . i;ll keep you posted . if they pay then yes by all means go for it , but i suggest to you to not do it , many many scammers preying on people . it kind of took the wind out of my sails , when i saw how many of these companies were scamming people and  i was with most of them, needless to say i don't do that anymore just with the two and only to see if they pay, give me a little time i will give you their names 

i guess the old adage is true if it seems to good to be true it usually is

i am still researching websites and yes i still spend countless hours on the web, and if i see anything that looks promising i will forward it to you

i am doing a lot of different things on here now , and i will bring all this information to you, but i only want to bring to you or talk about good companies/websites, the ones that are decent ,honest and do pay you for services rendered,

the scammers arent worth mentioning however , i am not through with them yet, i am very busy right now looking for the right thing for all of us to make money , once that is done i am going to focus on those scammy sites and will put them on u tube

i want to thank everyone who has taken the time to read my blog, it means a lot to me, i am being read all over the globe and to me , well i think it is awesome , so again thankyou very much everyone i really do appreciate it

talk soon

Thursday, 15 March 2012

a few things to look at these can make you money how much is up to you and the effort you put into it

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

found an interesting site , check out the link below


:<a href=><img src="" border=0></a>             

Sunday, 11 March 2012

i would like to thank all of the people around the globe for taking the time to read my blog and i sincerely hope that at some point i can help everyone make money online and i also hope a lot of it

i have found some great sites ,but some of these cost a little money, i am waiting until my transfer of money to paypal is complete then i will buy them , these sites arent much money and i will tell you more about it once i have signed up with them, then i will go through step by step for each one, and after you can decide if it is for you .

these sites that i found very interesting  to me i think it will work, i have in the past while researched so many sites most of them not worth looking at , i hope to save you the time by just posting good sites, it is my aim to make all of us money and i know i will succeed in this i will never give up .

this site

is making money for me about a dollar per day , not much but you can make more with it if you sign up and then put it on your facebook page, or any of a number of sites to get the word out there, again this site is absolutely free, and pay out once  you reached $ 25.00

check it out sign up and make a few bucks, in the meantime i am still researching many many sites , it is a lot of work but i think i have found some very good ones , and will let you know exactly what they are all about

the site richgo mentioned in the first pages of my blog is supposed to pay me $ 10,000.00 on or about the 14th of this month , i will let you know if they paid me or not, no sense in wasting time there if they dont pay.

so please keep checking my blog , i will have some very good sites  very shortly where you  can make money , i am going to let you know everything i do so if i make a lot of money you can too, and by reading the blog you can avoid wasting your time at sites that are scammers. i been to a few of those but i had to do that to see if they were scams,

so click the above link at least you'll make a little or a lot depending on what you do with it , it is all explained to you once you clicked the above link

my next entry which should be approx march 15th will be very detailed, and longer, if anything of interest comes up before that i will let you know

i am doing all of this to help people , why  you ask? well to answer your question , i have always helped people all my life, in one way or another, and with the economy the way it is and my desire to make money online , i know that you too want the same as i do, that somehow this has become my passion,

again thankyou for reading this, see you soon

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

i am in the process now of trying to get money from one of the websites of the many i have been researching, it is going to take a week or so to get the money required into my online account even though i did the transfer today.

as you know this is about making money online for free, and that is the main goal here, however after having said that i have made $ 95,000.00 pounds (english money) with a website and they say if i give  them $ 199.00 U.S. that after 3 -5 days they will pay me. they are asking me to upgrade from a free member to a premium member , so i am going to do just that and see whether or not they do indeed pay me the money owed.

i will tell you the name of that website once i have completed the requirements, then if they do indeed pay me and i hope that they do, you will have their name and link and will be able to do the same if you so choose

i dont want anyone to just pay a website out of pocket in the hopes that it will work out and you would make money, what i want in this case if for you to know exactly what is going on if you do decide to go with the same website(s) as me, iwant you to know that yes i will upgrade because i know they do pay

the site mentioned at the beginning of this blog is supposed to have the money to me on or about the 14th of march/12 in the amount of $ 10,000.00 and yes that is free ,no upgrading there.whether or not i get it we;ll have to wait and see, i will let you know.

all i want to do and i am repeating myself is for you and yes me too to make money online and not get scammed, like i said this has become my passion, i spend countless hours scouring the web trying to find the websites that are honest , and live up to what they say. so that we, you and i can make a lot of money in the comfort of our homes,

i truly believe it can be done,

keep checking back , i try and update this blog once per week, there will always be new sites for me to share with you as i find them , then it is up to you if you want to give them a try or not.

good luck my friends , i hope you make a ton of money

i am trying to get this blog out to as many people as i can, this site allows me to reach a greater audience <!-- START OF ADDME LINK -->
<a href="">Search Engine Submission - AddMe</a>

Monday, 5 March 2012

i am still very busy in the background researching websites, i will update very soon, this blog will always be here to help you if i can.

please keep checking back for updates and new sites that will make you money

this blog to help people is my passion, i will never stop

thankyou for taking the time to read this

if you like my blog tell others, your friends and family

i am making some money with

not a lot up to 38.00 right now but you can make more ,you;ll see when you get to their main page

as for other sites i will mention later ,they owe me a lot of money as of now , will they pay?? we will soon see and i will tell you all about it , i am not mentioning them right now but i will in the very near future

in the meantime give the website above a shot , it is free and you have nothing to lose only a bit of time

good luck and i hope you make a ton of money

Friday, 2 March 2012

very interesting site

as you already know by now i am doing a lot of research at different websites to see if all they say is true and not a scam, unfortunately at this point in time i can't tell you , i need more time, i am working with several sites , and it shouldn;t be too long before i can tell you exactly if they pay or not

as i work through these differnt websites i come across a site which will catch my eye, and i pass it along to you so you can have a look at it , and then it is up to you to give it a try or not, these sites i may add have nothing to do with the sites i am researching, they only caught my eye as i see so many different sites

the link i am going to give you is free to join, and you can make money with it, check it out , not all sites are scammers i don't believe

good luck , and again i hope you make a ton of money

here is the link