Wednesday, 29 February 2012

if any of these sites are scams, i will let you know , if they are honest and upstanding i will let you know that also, as for me i need time to see what will happen, i can not say that a site pays if i haven't got paid by them, this blog is to give everyone and honest answer, all i am saying is. if they pay me , then surely they will pay you, i will keep everyone informed as to what happens, it is entirely up to you if you want to give it a try or just wait to see what happens with me

i am just like you, trying to make money online, i believe we can, i don't ask anything from you ,i am trying to help weed through all the sites to find honest and sincere ones where everyone can make money, this is what this blog is about

hi, i hope everyone is doing fine and that you are making lots of money online, if not i am here to try and help the best i can. everyday and night i spend hours online researching websites that say come with me , you;ll make lots of money here and it is only going to cost you , this is not what i am looking for . i am looking to find sites where you can make money and lots of it but for free. not an easy task , but i am not giving up, as i mentioned before this has become my passion

i do expect to receive $ 10,000.00 within the next two weeks or so as mentioned in the earlier part of this blog, we;ll see what happens. i;ll let you know if i make money there you can too.

i did join a couple of sites that i will tell you about , these sites give you the chance to make money

site #1 this site doesn't cost you money it is free , give it a try

site#2 also free, you have nothing to lose everything to gain.

site#3 free as well
          <iframe src="" scrolling="no" height="105" width="746" frameboder="0" name
these sites tell you exactly what to do in order to make money with them, good luck

i come across many many websites ,in the course of the day, and i thought that these 3 sites have potential

as for what else i am doing , i am working with many sites and so far i have made over a 600.000.00 with just one of them , the question is ????? will they pay me???? , they say if i upgrade,  give them $199.00 then they will pay me within minutes.there are in fact 4 sites where i have made about the same amount.all of them want me to upgrade and pay them first. then they will pay me in minutes or so they say.

your probably wondering , am i going to pay them any money to get my money ?? well yes i am going to do just that, how else will we know, i am going to wait for a bit until the site mentioned in the first of my blog pays me,

should they not pay like i been told in 30 days , i will upgrade with at least one of the sites and i will let you know how it works out. if all is well making $600.000.00 in one month isn't too shabby

but as i said earlier give one or more of these sites a try , you have nothing to lose,  just  a little time, but maybe just maybe you may make some real cash. give it a shot, hope you make a ton of money

back soon

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

i should have done a spellcheck on that last post lol.
hi everyone , i hope your day went well, this blog goes out all over the world and i want to thank you for reading this , makes me happy, thankyou again.

two nights ago i downloaded this site paid me $ 5.00 to join and then one dollar if people just click it to see, and  a little more if people join  this site, well i joined was credited the five dollars and then a friend clicked on it and so now i had $ 6.00.

so last night i was researching the companies i am telling you about and i thought i would just for fun check the above website thinking i would again see only $ 6.00 well guess what i had $ 22.00 in there.

it seems to work, the only catch is that they want you to do a short survey before they give you the pin number to request your money, also they pay you once you reach the amount of $ 25.00, you can read more at  the site , check it out it may work for you.

i am almost ready to request payment from the sites other then the ones on here, as soon as i do i will let you know who the companies are and exactly what they said. like i said before and i;ll probably say again i believe in this . we will make money i feel it

the websites mentioned earlier and the ones i am at now and there are many, it takes me hours . say that  although the payouts for example if they say $ 10,000.00 it costs you $ 10,000.00, so you have to make $ 20,000.00 to get paid $ 10,000.00, if the pay out is $ 20,000.00, to get that you need to make $ 40,000.00. i must add though this doesnt take too long , this is as a free member , what we are trying to do here is make money, not pay it out.

like i said before ,  take one or two of the websites mentioned earlier in this blog and give it a shot , you have nothing to lose , only a little time but the rewards could be very rewarding, i can't tell you anymore about that as i am waiting to get paid on or about march 14/ 2012, in the amount of $ 10,000.00. i will keep you posted, but in the meantime give it a shot .

i wish all of you the best, make as ton of money

i will be updating in a day or two

Monday, 20 February 2012

thought i would send this out have a look it might interest you
today i reached another $10,000.00 see it didn;t take long , i requested payment again and they said it costs $ 10,000.00 to get $ 10,000.00, so to get $ 10,000.00 from them as a free member you have to make $ 20,000.00 which is still very good considering i signed up with them on january 27, 2012 and i expect my first $ 10,000.00 on or about march 14, 2012.

if you find that i repeat myself it is only because i want you to understand exactly how it works with no questions, and as i see it all of the websites in this genre are the same, still if and when they do pay it is awesome money, i spend hours upon hours researching and i will bring to you the sites that pay and the sites that dont.

i am working with approximately 40 plus sites and surely they cant all be bad on the contrary i believe most of them to be good,

everyone is waiting for march 14/12 to see if indeed richgo pays me lol, i believe they will, i wish i could tell you that they all pay , but i dont know that. i wish i could. but i will know in time , i am almost there at other sites and i will tell you whether or not i get paid from them and also what those sites say when i request payment

i sincerely hope that i have you making money very soon , but i strongly suggest to try at least one , again it doesn;t take much time to do just one site, i am on these sites for hours and hours , so that you and i can make money and a lot of it in the comfort of our own homes, that is my goal and my passion.

i try and update at least once per week

if you like this blog tell your friends and family, i truly believe in this

thankyou again for taking the time to read this , it is much appreciated

see you soon

hi everyone , thankyou for taking the time to read my blog , and thankyou for sharing this with others,

from time to time as i am researching the sites that i hope will make  you money, i come across a site which looks very promising, i will share these with you , the following website is one such place where i believe you can make money and make it right away

here is the link, check it out and good luck with it ,if you decide that this might be for you, again i hope you make a ton of money

will be adding more very soon . please be patient

Saturday, 18 February 2012

hi everyone ,boy the week went by fast, guess i am getting older,but like a great wine,i get better with age lol

meanwhile back at the ranch, i have been very busy researching many different websites but all in the same genre, trying to find the ones that do pay and arent defrauding or scamming us the people.

as you know at the one site  <a

i included the banner again to make it easier for you to check it out

on february 07, 2012 i requested a payment of $ 10,000.00 , to which they replied to me in an email that it would be 30 days, but you had to be a member of the site for fourteen days before you could request a payout.

on february 14,2012 i made a second request as i had made an additional $10,000.00, as soon as i requested that second payment , a thing popped up saying ,we have your request, will be contacting you soon, that was nice to see

so i am waiting for the 30 days to be up and hope to see that money in my paypal account at that time.
i think it wont be till march 14, 2012, we will see, as soon as i get paid you will be the first to know.i am still at that site and i am at and additional $ 7,100.00 and expect to be requesting another $10,000.00 in a few days

i do believe that this is an honest site.

i suggest to you to take the time to sign up and give it a shot , you could be making money instead of waiting to see if they do indeed pay me, the time required at just this one site is minimal, and the rewards to you could be astronomical.

i have been and still am researching many websites , and will bring to you the results good or bad so that you will be informed truthfully, by someone who asks nothing from you, again it is my hope  and i am very passionate about it,  to have you make money , and i hope a lot of it,  online , on your computer, at your home.

i know we will be doing just that , i feel it in my bones, please give  it a try , do it for yourself and your family, it is all free.


as i mentioned earlier i have been to so many sites and here are some of the results from that ,by the way i am not discouraged at what happened there as i will explain but first the sites, i am not going to name the sites and i;ll explain that in a bit also

site # 1 they said their payout was at $ 25,000.00, i had earned $ 27,900.00 so of course i requested a payout i was told that i didnt have enough earned for a payout and that i would need  $25,000.00. i thought what????? what is going on i have $ 27,900.00 and you say i need $25,000.00?? are you ok??

site # 2 their payout is $ 20,000.00, i had earned $ 25,000.00 so again i requested a payout, they said you dont have sufficient funds for a payout you need to have in your account $ 20,000.00, i knew this was coming

site # 3 the payout at this site is $ 10,000.00, i had earned $ 13,450.00 and yes i requested a payout, again i was told i had insufficient funds and that i needed to have a balance of $ 10,000.00 in my account , well you all know i had and still have $ 13,450.00 in my account

here is what is going on with these 3 sites as i see it

as a free member you have to make that amount required twice,as with site #1 you have to make $25,000 twice, they are charging you that to give you $ 25,000.00, so to get that  you have to make $ 50,000.00, then they will pay you $ 25,000.00,

ok i thought i will get the additional $ 25,000, it didnt take me vey long to get the first one so even though they charge the first $ 25.000.00 and pay you the second $ 25,000.00 still the money is awesome i made the first one in just over two weeks so if it takes another couple of weeks even three ,it is still well worth it dont you think?

once i get the second amount for these sites i will then name them and if they pay or say they will some are 30 days to pay some are 60 days all different.i will give you the links so that you can check them out yourself

i am still checking ,researching, looking , we will make it happen, by we i mean you and i

so dont just sit there waiting  to see what happens to me , i still believe in this . just give one of them a shot it takes just a little bit of time, i am doing it and i spend hours at it, i want all of the people reading this to make money that is my aim and has become my passion , it is going to happen .

again thankyou for taking the time to read this , i hope i am helping you in some way

have a great weekend every one , make a ton of money

Friday, 17 February 2012

to my very good friend you know who you are in the bahamas , hope you had a great flight

will add more to the blog shortly

thankyou to all who read this or will read this in the future

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

hi everyone

it has been a while since i wrote in here, the reason being no one was acting on the sites i gave , instead of trying even one for just a few minutes per day just to see .

people say let me know when you make money , then i;ll do it lol

let me give you an update

the site   <a
this site owes me now $ 20.000.00 dollars, their payout is at $10,000.00 , i requested my first pay out when i reached the ten thousand dollars, and it was accepted by them, after a day or so i emailed them and asked when can i expect the money , they replied in an email it would be 30 days, ok so i am waiting, however  a few days later i reached the second $ 10.000.00 and another request went in from me to withdraw that as well, as soon as i did that they replied request been sent, talk to you there you have it . i believe that the company is sincere and i await the money, i am still there clicking i think you should do the same , just a few minutes per day , give it a shot

sorry i took so long in writing this but i am basically waiting till i get to where i can cash out at a site and then i will tell you what transpired , no sense in talking about a company if i dont have all the details

have a great day/evening everyone and thankyou for your time

Saturday, 11 February 2012

hi everyone i hope your week went well, this is just a short message

i found this site it is free and sounds very interesting , i hope you check it out, i have joined  this site as well, looks good to me , check it out for yourself

all i am trying to do is tell you about the best sites that i have seen thus far on the web for making money but again absolutely free

the link for this site is

good luck , i hope you make a ton of money, you deserve it

see you soon

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

hi everyone i hope you had a great day, i did a lot of surfing today trying to find just the right website where we can makes some real money, there are a lot of scammers out there, i sat through this video on one site and listen to some lady who said we could all make thousands of dollars a week and it was all free that she would never ask for any money , so, i sat through the thing for a good half hour, boy could that lady talk lol. at the end she asked for money i was a little disappointed to say the least, wasting my time, so needless to say i deleted the site . wow why cant people be more honest?  is making the buck for them the whole purpose in life and never ever thinking about the people they are misleading , i guess it is buyer beware

you realize that this is day  two for me blogging , anybody out there ?? lol i find it kinda nice and i get to share and also get a few things off of my chest

i told you yesterday that i found a few websites  that to me look very promising , i am going to give you the links and go check them out, you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain so we hope .nothing ventured nothing gained

i dont believe that the sites i am about to give you are dishonest or scammers actually i am quite excited about it myself, i;ll explain why shortly

the people i talk to here throughout the day want to know what i am doing as they are getting excited as well and want to try it also, i want to say again that all the links i have given you are free to join sure they would like you to upgrade for a fee but you dont have to, i havent upgraded. i will once i have been paid by one of them.

let me tell you about the one site that has me excited and the reason why

the site is  and here is the link i joined this site as a free member jan27/12 , they had said in their site that the payout for free members wouldnt be till they hit $10,000.00, i thought wow that's going to take forever , well that first night i was at the site i made 8400.00 the next nite not as much but i made it to $ 10,000.00 the actual amount was $10,600.00. needles to say i was surprised, so i made a request to get paid, i already had a paypal account, i checked for a day or so but no money . so i emailed them , i was told as a free member it would be within 30 days , i thought ok that is fair , i am still at that site amongst others and and i am almost there again . so i am excited , and i should have the money sometime in february or early march

i am basically clicking 10 sites i think they are the best in this genre well the best i have seen thus far,
and somehow i believe in them, but just think if only one of them paid which i think is highly unlikely i think they are all good companies, and will all pay some on a different schedule as you  will see when you check them out

so basically i have made just over $50,000.00 dollars since the end of january with these 10 websites .the money isnt in my pocket as yet as you will see when  you click the links the types of paying schedules these companies /websites have.

and all this as a free member paying nothing.

you owe it to yourself to check them out ,see what they are all about and give it a shot, i am on those sites daily and nightly, believing

this blog is tuning into a book lol

as i had mentioned earlier all i am trying to do is help the people who could use a leg up, who have been pouring over the web, looking ,looking just for something to give them a bit of cash or if your like me to make a living at home,

i really dont know how many people are going to read this, but if i can just help one person to have a better life financially then that is more than i can ask for , if i can help millions even better, i am just like you looking for a way to make things better for my family , i didnt go into the sites that either want money or pay nothing we;ll leave them alone for now, however we might bring them  up at a later date

here are the links i promised you , as i have said check them out give them a shot you have nothing to lose but a little time but hopefully everything to gain, there will be other sites coming in weeks or months to come as i find them but i am not going to tell you about the little sites it isnt worth it,just a waste of time

# 1

# 2

# 3

# 4

# 5

# 6

# 7

# 8

# 9

good luck my friends, i hope you make a lot of money

thankyou for spending part of your day with me reading this

i feel good about this i hope you do too

i dont have all the answers just trying to make life a little better for everyone

bye for now

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

making money online??

this is my first attempt at blogging , i have been researching , several differnt websites ,promising that you can be rich , making thousands of dollars per day , week or month, when you check out their sites all they want is for you to give them money when the idea is to make money on the net without having to pay anyone except of course the taxman lol.

i am creating this blog to help as best i can the people,  men and woman who because of these harsh in some cases economic times, are looking for a way to make money whether it be full time or just  to get a few extra dollars

i am just like you , a single parent busy raising my son,i have been going to many differnt websites that profess to make you money and indeed some of them do, probably more than i know , i  have found some very promising websites, and will be posting them in the very near future

it is my intention to weed through them all and present to you , the websites that i truly believe will make you money, all of them will be free to join as for me i will never ask you for a dime not now not ever. all i want to do is to truly help the people who just need a chance , and to say at the end of it all yes my prayers are finally answered.

to be able  to have all the bills paid , get rid of that rusty old wreck and buy a new car, in short to just live comfortably

as this blog carries on i will tell you exactly what i am doing , how much money i am making , so that you can do the very same

i have wasted a lot of time looking at sites that didn't pay anything , compared to some of the sites i am with now they are a joke and you will see all of this

so don;t be discouraged never give up i always say what a differnce a day makes
<a href=""></a>